Remember these? The first three-door articulated bus that debuted on the M15 and Bx12 buses? Well the 90 of them are still doing good here (except for one that was involved in an accident, don't worry it's not totaled)
However, since this bus has been performing well, New York MTA decided to purchase close to over 385 of these units. Here are some photos of newer units.
Now you might be wondering, what are the differences between the old and the new. The old ones used to have padded seats, but the newer ones have hard seats. The Black Vinyl goes all the way through the front of the bus in the newer version, in the old, it stopped after the front door of the bus. The old buses numbered 1200-1279 are wrapped for +Select Bus Service+ which uses a proof of payment method for passengers to board the bus. 1280-1289 are just used for normal local routes. The newer ones, numbered from 5772-???? (still an ongoing number) are used for local/limited service. Parts of Brooklyn and Queens are expected to receive these units too.